Harmony in Diversity: A Blueprint for Global Understanding

The overwhelming majority of people in the world, have friends, family, love, respect, admiration for people, different raises, religious beliefs, cultures, civilizations, look around don’t you personally have that in your life and see others enjoying people of different backgrounds? It is such a minute percentage of the people in the world that are hating, let’s not be drawn into their vortex of bickering, separation anger, violence, and war. Pray or better yet visualized and feel that humans worldwide behave as if there’s Instant Karma (gonna get you Lennon/Ono). However their actions cause another person to react, they will feel the same joy or pain. This would transform the way everyone treats each other. Another prayer or visualization is archangel Michaels, protective Wings, and Shield, or one’s own protection that takes them off. The radar of whomever is projecting negative thoughts, and or emotions towards them. That one is protected from their own low vibration, thoughts and emotions and physical reactions. Including self-criticism, criticism of others, and getting dragged into the endless “rabbit hole“ of “What if…” questions. That Hour and ones thoughts and emotions along the line quickly released and forgotten. we all have imagined worst case scenarios and when the future actually arrives it’s never anywhere near anyone of those worst case scenarios! so don’t plant seeds weeds in your future with thoughts of tragedy, drama, trauma, war, pain, loss, etc. Live in the moment trust your intuition and your heart and your “gut”. 

Remember that the overwhelming majority of people who’ve ever lived on this planet wanted shelter, food, water, healthy soil and water for their crops, the ability to take care of, and raise their family in love, peace and harmony. It is an untruth that humans are evil, destructive, and/or self-centered. The media’s portrayal of everyone hating each other over every slight difference is inaccurate. Ask herself is it true for you? Is it true for the people you know? Listen to your own inner guidance; your own inner truth. Keep informed, but don’t obsess and buy into the fear that’s being generated stay centered, loving and calm and ask for resolution good night highest, and best interest of everyone involved, which is actually every being on the planet!

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